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Discovering My World (Early)


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$12.54 (Incl GST)

What do you know about your world? Discovering My World (Early) looks at the shapes of the land, people finding their way, different people and places, and people getting along and helping one another. Features of Discovering My World – general information about people and their place in the world (pages 2 to 7) followed by four – double-page spreads about specific geographical and civic features – personal statement that ends the book – preview question on the back cover – photographs that support and illustrate concepts – captions – initial consonant blends – “pl-“, “st-“, “tr” – digraphs – “sh”, “ch” – plural ending “ies” – stories, countriesThemes covered in this book are: Changing earth, Communication, GeographyReading Level:9-11 (Blue)

MTA Teachers Resource Catalogue Page: 223

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